Sunday, February 14, 2010

JR and the neverending birthday celebration

JR is two, and it only took a week and a half to celebrate!

The festivities began on his actual birthday weekend, with a visit from PawPa and Grandmother Joan. During their visit, we got our first snow/ice of the season in Spartanburg. The snow was fun, but it cancelled our plans to have his birthday party on January 30th. Nevertheless, we had a wonderful time, and JR really enjoyed his big present from PawPa and Grandmother, a big boy basketball goal!

The next week, we had a second birthday celebration with Gance and Poppy! What a great dinner we had (mostly because it ended with cupcakes), and JR is super excited about his sandbox....which will be installed once the pesky snow is on its way out!

The first weekend of February, JR had his third birthday celebration at Emme's house Friday night with Uncle Clayton, Mackenzie and Abby. More food, delicious cake (Thanks Cakehead Liz!) and more presents! Yippeee! Saturday afternoon JR and his girl cousins had a great time playing, and Saturday night we took him to the Wofford basketball game and were joined by family and friends to celebrate JR's love for "bahball". JR even got to be on the court during the introductions of the Wofford players!

All in all, JR celebrated TWO like a if only he can manage the age as well as all the parties!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY Second Birthday little guy. Raise the cupcake: Here's to you and many more!