Sunday, July 12, 2009

Edisto Beach vacation 2009, Part III

As promised, this is the third and final installment of the Parrish Family Beach Vacation posts!
Now that we are back in Spartanburg, with pictures downloaded and memories recorded, we can say with 100% certainty that vacations should last forever! We had a blast...Gance and Poppy came to visit for the last week, and I celebrated my 32nd birthday. We posed for family pictures on the beach, had two beautiful days in the sun, and said goodbye to Edisto (for now!).
Enjoy the last of our family beach pictures!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Edisto Beach vacation 2009, Part II

Our vacation continues its wonderful experience. PawPa and Grandmother Joan came to visit Monday through Wednesday, and we had a wonderful time. We also had a great visit with the Heslop family and the Williams cousins! We wanted to bring you more pictures of our Edisto Beach vacation...

Edisto Beach vacation 2009, Part I

Being on vacation is fabulous. Now that JR is fully upright and walking, it is hard work to keep him from running into the ocean....even if he does so cautiously. He really enjoys being in the water with his daddy in his special ring float, and he has been sitting in the surf with his mama, searching for coquinas and eating sand. Ah yes, the eating of the sand...this is his very favorite part of the beach. Dipping his fingers in the ocean and sucking on them (mmm...salty goodness) is a close second. Dogs on the beach make him smile, but seagulls make him squeal with joy; he could watch them for hours!
Here are some pictures to enjoy from the first few days of our beach getaway at Edisto....
Mmm...this sand tastes like chicken!

Standing tall in mama's chair