Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Computer Sense

I apologize for the inconvenience but there appear to be some hackers taped into Blogspot. We have had instances where a comment has been left that says Click Here and it takes you to a malicious site. I will continue to try and monitor these comments. If you see a comment that looks suspicious, please do not click on any of the links in the comment. It is so unfortunate that there are people out there that are so sad and so desperate for attention that they have to take enjoyment from others to have any type of satisfaction in their lives.

In the words of Peter Griffin: “And folks, that’s what really Grinds my Gears…back to you Tom.”


Anonymous said...

Ditto!!! People need to 'get a life'.To 'hack into' a family blog about baby and family hikes and doting grandparents,etc.,etc.,is ,indeed, a sad thing. When I saw the first one ,I was a little 'afraid' of the 'click here' Sorry you are having to put up with this... Emme

Kent said...

That stinks! I have ours all locked down for Comments. If you go to Settings/Comments then you can enable Comment Moderation (i.e. you have to approve them before they show up) and word verification (it reduces spam).