Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cereal face baby

Our baby loves food. He has had no trouble nursing, taking a bottle, or having formula. He likes to lick pieces of apple (supervised, of course) and stares at us as we eat dinner in his presence...his facial expressions always seem to say "Hey, mommy, I want some of that bacon!"
(His thighs say the same thing)
We were reading the baby bible last night (What to Expect...The First Year) to figure out if JR is old enough to start to eat food (well, not FOOD, but rice cereal, etc). There are a lot of ideas about what is age appropriate, but the book suggested, as it should, that each baby develops at a different pace, and although the general age range is 4 to 6 months, it might be earlier or later depending on the kid. It suggests looking at developmental signs to know a child is ready...can hold head up, is interested in trying new food, etc. Bottom line, our kid is hungry and ready; thus the reason for this blog....let the rice cereal BEGIN!!!

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