Thursday, July 12, 2012

New digs!

Hooray! What a week! We closed on our house today and move tomorrow! Looking forward to posting a pic of the new house soon!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

It's been awhile....

Since our last post. But we have good reasons, I promise. It has been a busy Spring and crazy start to our summer. Here are some of our excuses:
--At Omni, I planned and executed their annual fundraising gala. This event was wildly successful, raising more money than ever before, and almost killed me. I can now add "lunatic event planner" to my list of skills on my resume.
--We went camping (promise to post pictures) with dear friends Chris, Jaime, and Emery. In Georgia, over a glorious weekend in May. I sometimes still wish I was at that cabin, beer in hand, laughing at the boys and watching them pee on trees. 
---We have decided that Charlotte just isn't for us, especiallly our current neighborhood of Ballantyne.  I'm sure it is a fine place to live if you have lots of money and don't mind all white, gated neighborhoods with no soul, but alas, that isn't us. We don't care to drive luxury vehicles or lounge around in yoga wear and shop non-stop. So, we are in the process of moving back to Spartanburg.
--I quit my job at Omni Montessori and returned "home" to 226 South Spring Street...this time, to work for Partners for Active Living. I love this job. It is busy, and fun, and rewarding. I am staff for the Childhood Obesity Taskforce and the Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities grant (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). I love this team and our work to change policies and promote active lifestyles is awesome.
--Deciding to move back is quite exhausting, really. But we are so lucky to have wonderful family to stay with and support from family and friends. The homecoming is worth the trouble to pack households and move.
--We are buying a house, and we close on July 12. If anyone has sold and house and bought a house within the last year, you can feel my pain. The mortgage process alone caused my hair to sprout gray.
--We said so long to our fabulous Nanny (wah!), Jessine, and hello (again!) to JR's first preschool, St. Paul UMC Preschool. School is, once again, a good experience for JR. He is well liked, talkative, and comfortable. He is nice to his friends and rarely gets a time out. He eats all of his snack, lunch, etc, and isn't a picky eater.  He is drawing more, knows all of his letters and starting to read. He loves the water days twice per week and learned all about Jesus (or "Chessus" to JR. "Mommy, he is like a cracker.")....well, sort of, during VBS.
--JR is beyond funny. He loves to play water fight and has started to dive into swimming (pun intended)--very seriously, with goggles and kicking and going under water (just in time for the summer Olympics!). He has announced that he is ready for a big boy bike. This came after riding his tricycle buck naked in my mother's carport last week. And he is obsessed with He Man, Batman, spooky things and hums music ALL THE TIME. He is looking forward to his "new playground" at the new house. Ahh, the days are filled with such occasions and conversations. It is marvelous how much joy he brings into our lives.

So you see, we are a busy, funny, happy family in the midst of a crazy, hot summer.

More details to come....

Friday, February 24, 2012

NYC Part Deux

We just love NYC!

NYC Trip!

Have you ever seen anything so delicious? Sunday brunch at The Garage--Greenwich Village

JR playing with his cousin Sam! They just loved each other!

Cousin Lucia and handsome Sam!

Just loving on Baby Sam!

Playground @ Washington Square Park, NYC

Birthday Boy is 4 years old!


The birthday boy was VERY decisive about his cake: Chocolate, with vanilla icing and red polka dots. Taste-testing was, perhaps, the best part!

The pre-party was spent overnight at Great Wolf Lodge. He loved the waterpark!

Bathtime after the waterpark...four looks good, even in this reflection!

Now back to that cake....this piece is fit for the king! YUM-MY! And the leftovers?
JR says, "I want to save dat for later!"

Bring it on 2012!!!

Family time in December...aka, a great way to end the year!

We had a wonderful end to our 2011...full of friends, family, and memories!

Playground times with BFF Elliott!

Best buddies...daddy and son!

Fun times with my Emme!

And Nana and Pop?! Look at those smiles!

And a trip to Douglas, GA to see Grandmother and PawPa!! ALright!